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Terceiros utilizando indevidamente o nome da Uniara para venda de suposto material de auxílio aos estudos

A Universidade de Araraquara - Uniara vem respeitosamente informar que chegou ao conhecimento desta Instituição que terceiros têm se utilizado indevidamente do nome da Uniara para o fim de oferecer material auxiliar de estudos.

A Uniara não mantém nenhuma parceria com terceiros para a finalidade de oferta de material de estudo ou coisa parecida, não tendo sequer autorizado o uso de seu nome para este fim.

Assim, comunica aos alunos que os materiais de estudo vinculados aos seus cursos são indicados pelos professores, coordenações e secretarias aos quais estes estejam vinculados.

Se, eventualmente, você receber algum telefonema ou outra forma de contato nesse sentido, favor apresentar denúncia através do e-mail contato@uniara.com.br.


Prof. Dr. Luiz Felipe Cabral Mauro
Reitor - Uniara

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Multifunctional 3D Structures Based on Biopolymers Targeting Biomedical Applications, Catalysis and Photonics

Multifunctional 3D Structures Based on Biopolymers Targeting Biomedical Applications, Catalysis and Photonics

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Multifunctional 3D Structures Based on Biopolymers Targeting Biomedical Applications, Catalysis and Photonics

The Graduate Program stricto sensu in Biotechnology in Regenerative Medicine and Medicinal Chemistry - PPGB-MRQM of Uniara is organizing the workshop Multifunctional 3D Structures Based on Biopolymers Targeting Biomedical Applications, Catalysis and Photonics.

Aiming to explore the potential of multifunctional three-dimensional structures based on biopolymers, this workshop will delve into their cutting-edge applications in biomedicine, catalysis, and photonics. The event will convene distinguished experts to present the latest scientific advancements, promote interdisciplinary dialogue, and creating international collaborations. With a hybrid format, it offers the opportunity for both in-person and virtual participation, enhancing its accessibility and facilitating the exchange of knowledge among researchers, academics, and professionals in the field.

It will take place on January 23, 2025, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, in room 201 of the Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship Center (NITE) of Uniara. The workshop is offered to all interested parties and is also open to students and professionals from other Institutions. There are 85 spots available for in-person participation, while there is no limit of vacancies for online participation. Registration is free and can be done by the day of the event, being required for both modalities. Check out the schedule below.


The event will be broadcast live on Uniara`s Biotechnology channel on YouTube. Access the link by clicking the button:



08:30AM - 09:00AM


09:00AM - 09:20AM

Foto - Dr. Bianca Chieregato Maniglia

Dr. Bianca Chieregato Maniglia - IQSC | Tittle: 3D Printing of Biomaterials: Unlocking the Potential of Biopolymers for Advanced Applications

09:20AM - 09:40AM

Foto - Dr. Adriana Manfiolli

Dr. Adriana Manfiolli - In Situ | Tittle: 3D Stem Cell Biodressing: An Intelligent Treatment for Wounds and Burns

09:40AM - 10:00AM

Foto - Dr. Ana Luiza Millas

Dr. Ana Luiza Millás - 3DBS | Tittle: Biofabrication Techniques for the Development In vitro Models and Application in Tissue Engineering

10:00AM - 10:40AM

Coffee Break

10:40AM - 11:00AM

Foto - Dr. Fernando Guastaldi

Dr. Fernando Guastaldi - Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard School of Dental Medicine | Tittle: Bone Tissue Engineering for Maxillofacial Regeneration

11:00AM - 11:20AM

Foto - Dr. Emanuela Prado Ferraz

Dr. Emanuela Prado Ferraz - FORP/USP | Tittle: Bone Tissue Engineering for Maxillofacial Regeneration: Advancing Preclinical Studies

11:20AM - 11:40AM

Foto - Dr. Francisley Avila Souza

Dr. Francisley Ávila Souza - FOA/UNESP | Tittle: Current Aspects of Bone Repair in Normophysiological or Systemically Modified Conditions: Preclinical Experimental Studies

11:40AM - 12:00AM

Foto - Dr. Henrique Hadad

Dr. Henrique Hadad - Karolinska Institute | Tittle: Innovations in Bone Healing: Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate Scaffolds for Osteonecrosis Prevention

12:00PM - 2:00PM


2:00PM - 2:20PM

Foto - Dr. Aline Ribeiro Passos

Dr. Aline Ribeiro Passos - LNLS/CNPEM | Tittle: New Opportunities for Materials Science at Sirius Using Coherent X-Ray Scattering (virtual)

2:20AM - 2:40PM

Foto - Dr. Samarah Vargas Harb

Dr. Samarah Vargas Harb - LNBio/CNPEM | Tittle: Tissue Engineering and 3D Bioprinting at LNBio/CNPEM

2:40PM - 3:00PM

Foto - Dr. Elias Paiva Ferreira Neto

Dr. Elias Paiva Ferreira Neto - UFSC | Tittle: Designing Hybrid Functional Aerogels for InFlow Photocatalytic Water Purification

3:00PM - 3:20PM

Foto - Dr. Thais Tasso Guaraldo

Dr. Thais Tasso Guaraldo - Coventry University | Tittle: Photocatalytic Foams for Micropollutants Removal (virtual)

3:20PM - 3:40PM

Foto - Dr. Sidney José Lima Ribeiro

Dr. Sidney José Lima Ribeiro - IQ/UNESP | Tittle: Upconversion nanoparticles and infrared activated processes

3:40PM - 5:00PM

Closing / Happy Hour


Contact and Information

Reach us via e-mail secpgbio@uniara.com.br or telephone +55 16 3301-7348


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